Younkers customer service news

Find the latest Younkers news related to customer service below. We do our best to screen the news provided here for relevance and accuracy, but the links to articles found here are from 3rd parties so occassionally less pertinent materials get published. Please feel free to contact us to report other relevant articles, or to let us know of any material that should be removed.

Smoldering Younkers building is 'asbestos contaminated site,' inspector says

The smoldering ruins of the former Younkers building is considered to be an asbestos contaminated site and will require specialized removal, a state inspector said today. And while proper cleanup is critical to public health, inspector Tom Wuehr of the ...

Loss of Younkers building only a temporary setback, city officials say

The loss of the Younkers building represents only a temporary setback for downtown Des Moines revitalization efforts, city and business officials said Saturday. "This sets us back a little bit, but we understand that," said Des Moines Mayor Frank ...

Timeline of downtown Younkers building

Desktop users: Scroll through the interactive timeline above. 1856: Three Younker brothers open a general store in Keokuk. 1874: A fourth brother, Herman Younker, opens a store in downtown Des Moines. 1899: The downtown Younker Brothers store moves ...

What the Younkers building fire means to Des Moines

Of course the important point is that there was not a single death, not even a reported injury. The 280,000-square-foot, eight-floor former Younkers building in the heart of downtown Des Moines was engulfed in flames in the wee hours Saturday, and yet ...

Downtown Younkers remembered online after fire

On Saturday, the Facebook page "Lost Des Moines" acted as a hub for Iowans past and present to remember the Younkers building and grieve its loss. Here are a selection of thoughts, comments and recollections from users of the page. "I work in the EMC ...

DART detours buses because of Younkers fire in downtown Des Moines

Details are available online at or by calling DART Customer Service at 515-283-8100. Detours are subject to change based on additional street closures should they be deemed necessary by emergency responders, officials said. Updated ...

DSM Partnership building damaged by Younkers fire

A fire that engulfed the 115-year-old Younkers building in downtown Des Moines has also damaged the offices of The Greater Des Moines Partnership, the organization said today. The Partnership building is located directly north of Younkers, at 700 ...

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