Flag Pottery Barn Customer Service Review

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I have spent time while waiting for someone to come to the phone reading reviews. I expected more from a company that has spread inter'l but maybe that is the problem. Too large for the little people. I am referring to Pottery Barn. Of course, they have eliminated so many humans for the damn automated answering. I refuse to follow their directions. Most of the time if you do not fit one of their categories all you get is "I don't understand or did you say ......... So many angry customers. Don't these Major Companies know that Customer Service can make or break a company during these times of financial difficulties. I placed an order the beginning of Oct. Received it - wrong item. Not a big problem. These things happen. I phoned and the woman was very nice and could not understand why they mailed what they did. She made arrangements for the wrong one to be picked up the next morning and ordered the correct one while I was still on the phone. Fast forward to two days ago. The 2nd order came. Same WRONG ORDER AS THE FIRST ONE! In fact my husband and I think it is the first one we received because this time it was more or less just thrown in the box without packing materials. And there was no shipping receipt or anything identifying the item in the box either time. Now I am passing the point of irritation and decided to do a letter with the photos of both items thinking maybe this will help but when I tried to email it - too many whatever they call them.. So I said no problem I will mail it. That is when my major search began and it is a wonderful site Contact Help is. I was not able to get a local address for the website orders (don't want you to know I think). Ready to give up after (not kidding) one hour; I came upon your site and figures why not. I was so excited to get an address. It was like Christmas morning when I was a kid. You did not have a local address for the website but you did have the Corporate Offices address in California. I had to do this once before and at least I did get a response and a nice one at that. I did not want it to come to this for such a simple order but I do not like being dismissed. As far as I can figure it is the distribution and/or warehouse or packing facility at fault here. I even included a letter in the return box giving them a quick explanation of what it should look like.....
Thank you so much for your site..... it saved me from having my BP skyrocket! Why do company's not want you to have their mailing addresses? I know they want emails and phone calls but sometimes as in my case, neither of those have worked.

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