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Back when I was 12 years old, (some 50+ years ago) I delivered the Chicago Tribune morning edition. The papers were not delivered to me in order to deliver to my customers, I had to go to the "newspaper office", which was a shack between two garages in an alley. There were maybe a dozen of us kids delivering back then. We also rolled our own papers, not fold them and bag them like today. I made it a point to have mine delivered before I went to school each school day and the weekends were the same. It didn't matter if it was rainy and cold outside. It didn't matter if it was minus 10 and snowing, I delivered the papers well before 7 am. Most of the time before 6:30am. At twelve years old, it was my job. Didn't get paid a whole lot, but it was teaching me a work ethic, so said my parents at the time. I'm writing this, because it seems to me the paper delivery for the last twenty years have fallen way behind. It also seems to me the work ethic is no longer matters for most and it shows, because I have been "getting" my Trib delivered late for a long time. I have never had the paper in my hands before 6:30am. Never. I'm sure whoever is reading this is chuckling and saying how old and why not just go digital. Well, I guess I am getting old, because I like to feel what I'm reading...in my hands. Yes, old school, however, so is a good work ethic.....well, not so much in today's world.

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