Chicago Tribune customer service reviews

Read the reviews below to see the experience other people have had when dealing with customer service from Chicago Tribune.

Posted by Customer!

WHY do I have to speak with a customer rep to arrange a vacation hold in excess of 30 days? For 30 days or less I can enter the start/stop dates on my phone key pad. Makes no sense. And let's not even go into the time it takes to reach a rep!

Posted by Anonymous

I have been receiving the newspaper for the last two days but haven't subscribed to it. One of your customers must be missing the paper that is coming to me. Please stop delivering

Posted by non

I had to call twice in order to get to a human voice, which was difficult to understand!!!! I was told that I would receive a credit for the missed paper---what I want is my newspaper!!!!

Posted by Anonymous

I did not receive my Sunday paper!


Dyer, In. 46311

Posted by Anonymous

We Have Notifiedyou 3 Times To Put Our Paper On Vacation Hold And It Nis Still Being Deliverede. We Stopped It On Monday 10/26thy. Could You Please Stop It And Stop Charging It. Thank Yoy. June Hanebutt 136 Cypress Pt Dre Springfield, Il. 62704 We Are On Vacation.

Posted by Anonymous

No delivery this morning so I tried to find some connection by e-mail to report this but could not find any. I eventually called the tribune and $2.12 worth of time I finally was connected to a human voice (it would have been cheaper to go out and buy a paper then to report my missed delivery) and eventually a paper was delivered. Please tell me if there is an e-mail that I could have used or a better telephone number to use to report "missed delivery".

James Erlenborn

Posted by Anonymous

I am a subscriber at 429 grant, geneva, IL Delivery before 8 am has been missing for past several days. Is this a new practice?

Posted by Anonymous

I am a Chicago Tribune subscriber I would like to know why Mary Schmich is not in the

paper I read that she was on assignment however such as today there is nothing mentioned it doesn't say anything about her nothing about beaing on assignment.

Please let me know is she coming back to the Tribune?

Nicole O'Hara

Posted by Anonymous

I am sitting here at10:50 still waiting for my Tribune as well as Beacon News. Of course there is no way to speak to anyone about the chronic lateness.

Posted by Tom

Back when I was 12 years old, (some 50+ years ago) I delivered the Chicago Tribune morning edition. The papers were not delivered to me in order to deliver to my customers, I had to go to the "newspaper office", which was a shack between two garages in an alley. There were maybe a dozen of us kids delivering back then. We also rolled our own papers, not fold them and bag them like today. I made it a point to have mine delivered before I went to school each school day and the weekends were the same. It didn't matter if it was rainy and cold outside. It didn't matter if it was minus 10 and snowing, I delivered the papers well before 7 am. Most of the time before 6:30am. At twelve years old, it was my job. Didn't get paid a whole lot, but it was teaching me a work ethic, so said my parents at the time. I'm writing this, because it seems to me the paper delivery for the last twenty years have fallen way behind. It also seems to me the work ethic is no longer matters for most and it shows, because I have been "getting" my Trib delivered late for a long time. I have never had the paper in my hands before 6:30am. Never. I'm sure whoever is reading this is chuckling and saying how old and why not just go digital. Well, I guess I am getting old, because I like to feel what I'm my hands. Yes, old school, however, so is a good work ethic.....well, not so much in today's world.

Posted by Anonymous

No paper today time 8:50 am last Sunday paper delivered at 9 am this is just wrong. Why always late delivery? Apparently the cancelled flights at Midway and Ohare was mimicked by the Tribune delivery system. This huge 3" blizzard has affected ALL TRAVEL. Come on Man, really????

Gary Riseling 818 Redwood lane Bartlett Il. Please respond

Posted by Anonymous

Why can't I talk to someone in the USA?

Posted by ?

I have stopped getting my Sunday Tribune but the delivery service keeps leaving the paper behind my door.

I only get the paper online now. Unfortunately, the delivery service keeps leaving it behind my door.

I am unable to go out and get it and need a number for the delivery service to speak to someone in English

about my problem. I need to get the delivery people to stop leaving the paper as I am reading it online. My

Posted by Anonymous

Tribune delivery to Park Ridge has been horrible for weeks. I leave for work every day just before 7 and I haven't had a paper to read with my breakfast since sometime in mid-October. And for this I'm paying what??? I always call when the paper is not there on time. Yesterday, the message I got was that my phone number is not recognized as a subscriber. I've been a subscriber for more than 35 years - same phone number. And now suddenly I'm not recognized as a subscriber? Maybe it's time to no longer subscribe.....

Posted by Anonymous

Been looking for Sunday 11/6/16 Pickles comic strip on-line. Where is it. Don't see it listed on the index of comic strips. Section 9 Comics was missing from my paper delivery that day.

Posted by Anonymous

I have been unable to get a sensible answer to my question about my billing. Frank Lacey,

1200 Forest, Oak Park, Il. Acct No. 40372501. I received a billing for $116.35, and was told that this was for missed payments. I told your representative that I have not received a billing from the Tribune for those payments. She was unable to explain why no statements were sent to my above address. Please check your records, and you will discover that this has happened several times in the past, and I have received late billing notices. I pay my bills when I receive statements, but cannot pay if no statements are received. I am really concerned about the Tribune's lack of ability to manage my account. This is happening so frequently that I am considering just dropping the paper.

Please correct this problem so that I receive my billing statements as I should according to my agreement with the Tribune

Frank Lacey

Posted by Anonymous

Avoid this newspaper. Poor customer service and lousy home delivery. Going to cancel my delivery subscription.

Posted by Remi

So last night we celebrate the Chicago Cubs 2016 World Series Win. This morning I drive to my local gas station at 5 am for the paper but no such luck. It is currently 7am and still no Chicago tribune. Extremely disappointing!

Posted by Anonymous

My Sunday paper contained 13 COPIES of Splash. I only need 1. This was such a waste of paper. So many copies couldn't possible be a mistake.

Posted by Anonymous

the chicago trib operates the home delivery service that also delivers the daily herald newspaper.rectified the herald problem thinking it would solve the trib problem.NOT! double bagged paper will not stay dry on wet weather days when both bags are open on the SAME END.10 bags will not keep the paper dry when they are all open on the SAME END,DUH ! chicago trib, PLEASE HELP?

Posted by Ashley

Ashley at first said my subscription had expired, ha ha, I just mailed a check for $6.50 for 13 weeks and you cashed it. How can it be expired? I didn't get the first week paper yet? I would sign up for the special that I just received for $20 for Sunday DLY for one year but you guys would hose it up. Terrible service... If you cannot deliver the SUNDAY paper send me my money back please.

Billy Mack

Posted by Anonymous

We have been subscribers of the Tribune for thirty years. Last week we moved to WI, so we called the Tribune to cancel our print subscription and keep the digital. Apparently they cancelled everything. We called on Monday to ask why we haven't received anything and they told us we had to set up a new account, which I thought we did. It is now four days later and we still haven't received anything. We have called back three times and every person we talk to still has our old address and old email address, even though we have changed it three times! Today I was told that there is an outage and to call back. Your service is terrible and there is no one to talk to!!
We can subscribe to the Suntimes for free...who needs this aggravation.

Posted by Molpen75

I commend the delivery person for the great job delivering the newspapers the past week with all the rain showers. However, the Sunday, October 2nd Tribune Life Style nor the A&E section were not included in the paper delivered to our home.

Posted by Anonymous

I will be discontinuing my 30 year subscriptions to the Chicago Tribune if Donald Trump is elected due to your 3rd party endorsement in this troubling election . I have held you publication in high esteem my entire adult life but no more....

Posted by Anonymous

The paper's endorsement of Gary Johnson is a joke, right? So the Tribune is suddenly in favor of legalized prostitution and all of the other hairbrain ideas in the Libertarian platform. Also, Gary Johnson is a joke!

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